What is provided at the massage class?

Everyone who attends a massage course will receive a 50ml bottle of baby massage oil. This is a sunflower oil with Vitamin E. It is incredibly safe for babies as it is plant-based and organic. However, we will always do a patch test on week 1 of course, just to be on the safe side.

Yoga mats, towels and a cushion are also provided at each session.

There are also baby changing facilities on site.

What if my baby cries?

We really don't mind! You may find that your baby cries during part of the massage session. This is completely normal and does not mean that you are doing something wrong or that your baby does not like what you are doing. If your baby begins to cry during the massage you are the best judge of whether to finish the massage or continue. Try to identify why your baby is crying by listening to his different cries. If you feel your baby has had enough, you are welcome to just watch and try again another day. Remember you are learning about massage and yoga together. If you have an active or sensitive baby, then keep sessions short. A little bit of massage works wonders!

What if I miss a session?

If you miss a session, don’t worry we repeat everything each week and you can catch up with anything you are unsure of. If you need extra help, just ask your instructor.


Always massage your baby when she/he is calm and alert. Do not massage your baby if he is unwell, has a fever, upset tummy, sickness, rash, unusual lumps or bumps or any contagious disease.

If your baby has any chronic medical conditions, seek GP consent. Do not massage within 72 hours of jabs.